
Support SW Riverside County FCA

Southwest Riverside County FCA reaches the territory of schools within - MURRIETA, TEMECULA, MENIFEE, LAKE ELSINORE, WILDOMAR, and WINCHESTER. With 20+ high schools, 40+ middle schools, and 60+ elementary schools. We have the ability to bring the TRUTH of the Gospel message to potentially over 80,000+ students! Through the power of prayer, financial support, and most importantly allowing the Holy Spirit to led the mission - We can allow God's light to shine out over these campuses!


If you have a heart for the next generation - we would love to get you connected into living out the vision and mission of FCA ! Please contact us for more information.


Thank you for supporting FCA, to make a donation simply select the area of ministry or local staff you'd like to support using the lists to the right or below. You will then be taken to our secure donation website on where you choose to:


  • Make a single gift with credit card or e-check
  • Make a recurring monthly gift via credit card or e-check
  • PIZZA DONATIONS - Students LOVE pizza! Which is a great incentive to get students who aren't believers in our huddles to hear the TRUTH of the Gospel message on campus. If you specifically have the heart for donating pizza's for each Huddle we would love to get you connected!


You'll also have the opportunity to create your own personal account to manage your information, update payment information, download year-end tax receipts, plus much more.

We appreciate your partnership with FCA. You are helping to change the lives of athletes and coaches throughout the territory of Southwest Riverside County. May God bless you!

Cody Clothier

SW Riverside County

Area Director

Support Cody

"The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Luke 10:2 CSB

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